Digital Team Series – Thagaval Thuligal

Digital Team Series – Thagaval Thuligal

Digital Team Series – Thagaval Thuligal

Digital Team Series – Thagaval Thuligal

  • September 4, 2022

Digital Series –  A thoughtful initiative coordinated by a group of volunteers who came together on different genres in creating unique content and sharing it to our community .

This was a humble effort made by our beloved volunteers to keep our community informed on various topics and also entertained.

Season 1 ran for 3 months and we had a huge support from all our families. We are so proud of our volunteers cum content creators in giving their time apart from their own work and family priorities. Hatz off to everyone.

We also had giveaway to choose our Top 3 Reviewers from the wide support of our members who were relentlessly supporting , encouraging each of our creator’s content and providing genuine feedback.


Genres Covered : 

Top 10 GTA News – Mujeeba

மண்பானை - Unique Tamil Recipes - Hariharan
சித்தனவாசல் - Where Tradition meets Trend - Nithya

Travel Thursday – Hidden Travel Gems of Canada – Arut

Beauty of ARTs – Ramya

சிந்தனை சிறகுகள் - Thought Provoking Inspirational Series - Sivaram 

Housing Express – Real Estate, Mortgage Market Updates & Economics in its simplest form- Shree